Inbound marketing for brand awareness: Four up-to-date ways to do it

Where specific brand names have become synonymous with their original product, new brands can easily be suffocated out of the game. Here’s how inbound marketing can help.

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How I increased my email list subscribers by 532% in 1 month

manycontactsEmail marketing is proven to be the most effective (and undoubtedly the most profitable) channel in online marketing – given that the entirety of the Email world still holds the most number of users over the web (both as a personal and business medium).

Building an email list (and continuously growing it) is so crucial for any type of business nowadays. Aside from the fact that this channel has better conversion rates, it’s also a form of “owned media”, a medium where you have full control of, which can allow you to create a recurring revenue stream.

The post How I increased my email list subscribers by 532% in 1 month appeared first on Kaiserthesage.

Taking your Inbound Marketing Campaign to the Next Level

removed dupesIt’s unavoidable for marketers to get stuck when running long-term campaigns, especially when they are accustomed to following a certain process (that most of us do in agencies).

This mostly happens when we have already exhausted almost every tactic limited on that process, which is not that great when you’re looking at scalability – and in consistently getting results.

The post Taking your Inbound Marketing Campaign to the Next Level appeared first on Kaiserthesage.

How To Use The Marketing Funnel For SEO & Inbound Marketing

This month, I’m going to discuss content marketing strategy as it relates to search engine optimization. A lot of businesses get this wrong by focusing too tightly on the sales parts of the marketing funnel. With PPC, Money Buys Placement Before I get into SEO, let’s examine PPC as a…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

5 Inbound Marketing Methods that can Drive Traffic and Conversions

interactive contentInbound marketing – or combining different online marketing processes such as SEO, content marketing, social media and conversions – has been one of the most effective ways to hit a site’s various business goals in one go, like driving more specifically targeted traffic, improving revenue and/or building a stronger brand mind share.

Aside from involving practices that is measurable, utilizing inbound marketing as an approach to reach a business’ target audience (without disrupting their online activities) has proven itself to be very effective in terms of scaling and growing businesses in a shorter span of time.