The Dos and Don’ts When Speaking to a Blogger

Blogger outreach has been one of those tricky tactics that PRs and SEOs mostly get wrong. They understand that bloggers are a very influential bunch and that they are slowly taking over magazine readership figures. What most PRs seem to easily forget is that the reason why bloggers and internet figures are so influential is because they are highly opinionated individuals who enjoy disseminating their personal views!

Post from Jodie Harris on State of Digital
The Dos and Don’ts When Speaking to a Blogger

Still Newsjacking For Links? Forget That, Make The News Instead!

We all know that Google frowns upon trying — in any way, shape or form — to get links (they’re serious, guys). Yet, links still play a very large role in determining SERP rankings. If you can’t ask for or chase down high-quality, authoritative links, what’s a marketer…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

5 Tips For Working With A PR Firm To Build Links

We’ve talked recently about the overlap of SEO and Public Relations, and as companies continue to shift away from old link building tactics toward more outreach-focused tactics, the landscape becomes even blurrier. While SEO isn’t taking over PR any time soon (or ever, for that matter),…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.