Stop Procrastinating: It’s Time To Address Mobile SEO

Columnist Janet Driscoll Miller explains how to evaluate your mobile performance in organic search so that you can make the case for investing in mobile.

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Think Small: Solve Your Mobile SEM Problem With “Micro Leads”

The time has come for brands to have a mobile paid search strategy in place. Columnist Susan Waldes suggests that businesses begin with tiny steps.

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Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Using AdWords Auction Insights To Find Out Who’s Winning On Mobile

The Auction Insights report gives you visibility into the auctions you compete in. Contributor Matt Lawson explains out how to use it to your best advantage.

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Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

How 90s HTML Coding Will Save The SEO World In 2014

A surprising blast from the coding past has been making a comeback via SEO, and is frequently making its way into the core of advanced responsive design thinking: the humble sprite.

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.