Google advanced search: Six powerful tips for better SEO

Become a better SEO with six advanced search tips to help you find guest posting opportunities, uncover missed internal linking opportunities, unearth duplicate content, and more.

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Three fundamental factors in the production of link-building content

I’ve analyzed over 120 pieces of content across 16 industries to define common threads between campaigns that exceed or fall short of their expectations.

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Backlinks vs social shares: How to make your content rank for different SEO metrics

A new study by Kaizen has revealed that content that performs well for backlinks does not necessarily perform well for social shares and vice versa.

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Link reclamation: A practical guide for turning unlinked brand mentions into links

Link reclamation is a simple but efficient tactic to turn unlinked brand mentions into links. Here’s when to reach out, who to contact, and what to say.

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14 ranking signals you need to optimize for in 2019

Top ranking factors for mobile-first indexing in order to dominate search in 2019, segmented by relevance, content, backlinks, and user experience.

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Why linkless mentions are the future of link-building

Since the early days of search, Google has used links as a means of judging the reputation and relevance of webpages. But over time, the web has evolved, and search engines have evolved along with it – and developed better ways of gauging website authority. Here’s what you need to know about linkless mentions and why they’re the future of link-building.