An SEO’s guide to Google Analytics terms

An overview of all the main Google Analytics terms you need to know for SEO. Lots of resources included for further learning!

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Ten SEO aspects for web designers to master

Search engines are playing an increasingly important role in the future of the internet, and it’s important for web designers as well as SEOs to be able to keep up. Amanda DiSilvestro shares 10 aspects of SEO to master as a starting point.

10 Google updates you may have missed

Google rarely stands still. In fact, the search giant claims to tweak its search algorithms at least 3 times per day. Some of these updates are bigger than others, and the past month has brought an unprecedented wave of newsworthy enhancements.

9 Tricks For Local Businesses To Increase Their SERP Click-Through Rate

Sometimes you can move the needle — and dramatically — outside of obsessing and laboring over obtaining improving rankings in search engines. Simply increasing your click-through rates on the organic rankings you’ve already achieved can increase sales and revenue, even without…

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