Google bans adverts for anti-censorship sites in China

Despite Google and China’s interesting history, Google’s latest movements have been speculatively characterized as attempts to regain favor with China.

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Everything you need to know about the Google Chrome ad blocker

Google launches a new version of its Chrome web browser today (February 15), which will include an in-built ad blocker to try and eradicate intrusive ads from the browsing experience. There are some clear standards and some unanswered questions relating to this new approach, so what exactly do marketers need to know?

Five stats that sum up the rise of ad blocking

Love them or loathe them, ad blockers aren’t going anywhere soon, forcing publishers to sit down and have a serious rethink about their marketing strategies. To mark the publication of our first Zoom In report, which explores the rise of ad blocking, we handpicked five stats that tell the trend’s story.