Google Granted Patent on How Self-Driving Cars Might Handle Tailgaters

Google’s self driving cars have covered over a million miles of roadway, and recently, one of them crashed into a slow moving bus. Details about the accident can be found in Google’s bus crash is changing the conversation around self-driving cars. Oddly timed, but appropriate, Google seems to have been working on the issue that … Continue reading Google Granted Patent on How Self-Driving Cars Might Handle Tailgaters

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Google Assigns 148 Medical Patents to Verily Life Sciences

Back in September of 2009, I wrote a blog post that I titled Google’s 10 Oddest Patents. The first of those that I included in that list was one named Instrument for medical purposes, I included it mostly because Google was a search company, and it felt odd that Google would have a patent on … Continue reading Google Assigns 148 Medical Patents to Verily Life Sciences

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Improving Processes

Understanding processes and improving upon them to work smarter can result in lower costs, better outcomes, and less friction between participants. This is true with projects involving websites and SEO, and it’s true with most businesses. As an SEO, there are a lot of things I work upon to try to make a website better. […]

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