Google involved in Supreme Court case that may change class-action damages awards

The question before the court involves ‘cy-près’ and whether it was OK for plaintiffs’ attorneys to allocate settlement money to their own law schools.

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German court: Google has no ‘duty to inspect’ websites for illegal content before displaying

The court held that Google can’t be held liable before being notified of a ‘clearly recognizable violation’ of individual rights.

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Law and reputation firms generate 21% of Right to Be Forgotten delistings, says Google

New report from Google digs into three years’ worth of data on removal requests and exposes the delisting criteria.

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Google, Getty Images enter a multi-year global licensing partnership

The deal effectively ends Getty’s European antitrust complaint against Google.

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Google EU shopping rivals complain antitrust remedies aren’t working

They’re demanding more changes, saying their problems have intensified rather than improved since the EC ruling in June, 2017.

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Alphabet to create separate business unit in Europe to run Google Shopping

Effort is attempt to comply with European antitrust decision; would force Google to bid against rivals in the AdWords auction as a standalone entity.

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Yelp says Google violated ‘do not crawl’ provision of 2013 FTC settlement agreement

Reportedly, numerous Yelp business images were found in Google Maps.

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Top European court’s ruling might embolden US tech companies to challenge regulators

The European Court of Justice rebuked a lower court for failing to properly consider Intel’s arguments in a nearly decade-old case.

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Google fighting local battles over global control of its index in Canada, France

Regulators and courts seek to assert authority over global search results rather than limit decisions to their own countries.

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Top European court to decide if Google needs to purge disputed links from global index

French regulators have argued that the “right to be forgotten” is not fully enforceable unless content is removed worldwide.

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Canada’s Supreme Court orders Google to de-index site globally, opening door to censorship

Decision is dangerous to free speech and the free flow of online information.

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