All About the GDPR

While deregulation has been a stateside trend over the past decade, the 28 members of the European Union are gearing up for a massive increase in regulations around data privacy in the form of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — and this regulation will make a splash across the…

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How to reverse-engineer your online advertising strategy

In PPC, we often talk about eye-catching ad copy — but columnist Jacob Baadsgaard suggests that, rather than focusing on different ways to catch your customer’s eye, advertisers should start by looking at what customers are already responding to.


The PPC challenge of selling manufacturing capability vs. stock products

Google AdWords is a powerful advertising platform, but it can be tricky for companies whose products and services aren’t so clearly defined. Columnist Dianna Huff shares how she overcame this problem and got results for a small manufacturing client.


5 non-traditional skills to look for in a PPC account manager

You may not expect an aspiring PPC marketer to know HTML5 or JavaScript, but contributor Todd Saunders argues that these skills — among others — are key to being a stellar staffer and to hiring one.

The post 5 non-traditional skills to look for in …

Optimized store landing pages: An important part of local search strategy

How can brick-and-mortar stores improve the online experience for both users and search engines? Columnist Tony Edward says the key lies in strong local landing pages.

The post Optimized store landing pages: An important part of local search strategy …

Site optimization or traffic optimization: Which delivers better results?

Knowing where to invest in online marketing is crucial for search marketers with limited budgets and resources. Columnist Jacob Baadsgaard explores whether you’re better off investing in higher-quality traffic or conversion optimization.

The post Site…

Advanced testing: What 4,000 A/B tests can teach you

Contributor Jason Puckett summarizes a presentation from SMX Advanced 2017 on lessons learned from 11 years of conversion optimization. In it, speaker Ayat Shukairy explains what’s critical for the success of any A/B testing program.

The post Advanced…

Why the Google Search Network isn’t working for your B2B business

Many B2B organizations feel that PPC doesn’t work for them, and some are right. But columnist Pauline Jakober urges these businesses to explore a few ideas before giving up on their paid search program.

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The best-kept AdWords secret: AMP your landing pages

Even though AdWords doesn’t officially support AMP yet, advertisers can still use the technology to serve faster landing pages. Columnist Frederick Vallaeys explains how implementing AMP can lead to big gains in conversion rates.

The post The best-kept AdWords secret: AMP your landing pages…

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Strategies for capturing ‘made in the USA’ searches

Does your company or client sell American-made products? Columnist Dianna Huff kicks off her three-part series with recommendations for organic and paid search marketers on how to best showcase this quality in organic and paid search results.

The post Strategies for capturing ‘made in the…

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Dos and don’ts of PPC advertising for universities

For those in the higher education vertical, columnist Pauline Jakober provides tips for making the most of your paid search campaigns.

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SEM continuity: The ROI-boosting digital marketing concept you’ve never heard of

What is continuity, and how does it apply to our work as search marketers? Contributors Jeff Eckman and Paul Benson share how thinking holistically can improve ROI for your search campaigns.

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The 7 best ad and landing page elements to boost online conversions

How can you modify your ads and landing pages to boost conversions? Columnist Mona Elesseily has some advice.

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3 signs your landing page copy is leaving your visitors high and dry

Are your PPC landing pages failing to convert, despite getting great traffic? Columnist Khalid Saleh explains why your landing page copy might be to blame — and how you can fix it.

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Show Me The Money: Following The PPC Keywords That Make Dollars & Sense

Structuring campaigns based on personas is can effective, but what happens when keyword overlap dilutes your messaging? Columnist Pauline Jakober shares a case study showing how thoughtful reorganization based on money-making keywords can have a huge i…

Bring Your Work Home: How To Use Google AdWords To Improve Your Love Life

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, columnist Jacob Baadsgaard explains how you can use your search marketing expertise to keep the romance alive.

The post Bring Your Work Home: How To Use Google AdWords To Improve Your Love Life appeared first on Searc…