What I Learned In 2021

(This is a personal post so if that isn’t your thing then you should move on.) This is the tenth year that I’ve done a year in review piece. You might benefit from and find yourself in prior year versions. Here are easy links to 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020. […]

What I Learned In 2020

(This is a personal post so if that isn’t your thing then you should move on.) This is the ninth year that I’ve done a year in review piece. I’m at a different stage of my journey so you might benefit from and find yourself in prior year versions. Here are easy links to 2011, […]

What I Learned in 2019

(This is a personal post so if that isn’t your thing then you should move on.) This is the eighth year that I’ve done a year in review piece. If this is your first time reading one you may need the context of prior years. I’ve dealt with a variety of issues leading up to this point. […]

What I Learned In 2018

(This is a personal post so if that isn’t your thing then you should move on.) 2018 was a satisfying year because many of the issues that I surfaced last year and in prior years were resolved. I moved my business to expertise retainers, was more comfortable with success and stopped beating myself up (and […]

What I Learned in 2017

(This is a personal post so if that isn’t your thing then you should move on.) 2017 was a lot like 2016, but on steroids. That meant a 40% increase in the business, which unfortunately came with a lot more stress and angst. I did figure some things out and managed to make some decisions that I […]

What I Learned in 2016

(This is a personal post so if that isn’t your thing then you should move on.)  2016 was the year where things went back to normal. My cancer was in remission, family life was great and business was booming. But that ‘normal’ created issues that are rarely discussed. Managing success is harder than I expected. Success […]