How To Save URLs To The Wayback Machine On Demand

Yesterday, Search Engine Land featured a post about the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine now providing access to more than 440 billion archived web pages back to 1996. As I’ve written about before on Search Engine Land and my infoDOCKET blog, the Wayback Machine is an absolutely…

Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

Bing For Schools Offers Ad-Free Search Experience, SafeSearch Filtered Content & Lesson Plans

Bing announced Bing For Schools today, a new program designed for K-12 US schools, scheduled to launch later this year. In an effort to help schools teach digital literacy skills, Bing For Schools will offer an ad-free search experience with SafeSearch…

Search Engine Designed By Denmark Researchers Helps Medics Diagnose Rare Diseases

Technical University of Denmark researchers have designed a search engine that indexes specific sets of databases to help identify rare diseases. Users can query patient symptoms on which crawls over 31,000 medical articles focused on rar…