Bite-Sized SEO Tips

HubSpot and Dejan SEO have partnered up to produce short video series discussing practical SEO solutions:

  1. How to do a quick ranking search
  2. Making sure your site isn’t blocked by search engines
  3. How to make sure your XML sitemap is working
  4. Monitoring and improving site performance
  5. How to effectively select and use keywords
  6. How to spot and remove internal duplicate content
  7. Checking your site’s popularity and trustworthiness

Get access to free #SEOBiteSized video series, register here.…

The post Bite-Sized SEO Tips appeared first on DEJAN SEO.

Fundamentals of SEO – Webinar

Seo FundamentalsRecently the Printing Industries Association of Australia in conjunction with the Graphic Arts Association of Australia asked for us to hold a webinar for their members on SEO.

The aim of the webinar was to give a general overview of what seo is, what are some of the key elements involved in an effective online solution and greater considerations for further discussion.

The post Fundamentals of SEO – Webinar appeared first on DEJAN SEO.