Five ways blockchain will impact search marketing

Five major ways blockchain will impact search marketing, and how advertising professionals are already beginning to master this disruptive technology.

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How to take advantage of the latest updates to Google Search Console

If you care about where and how you appear on search engines, Google Search Console and its updates will be of much interest to you.

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Luxury marketing search strategy, Part 1: Consumer mindset

Why do we buy luxury brands? A look into the psychology driving our purchase decisions — and how search marketers should therefore think about strategy.

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Keyword stuffing is terrible for your SEO. Here’s what to do instead

Once-upon-a-time, keyword stuffing was a relatively successful SEO strategy. However, today stuffing a keyword into your content too many times can actually knock the stuffing out of your search rankings, or even cause your content to be removed from search listings entirely. Kim Kosaka explains.

Video and search: YouTube, Google, the alternatives and the future

When it comes to being visible online, video content is increasingly proving its worth as a way to grab attention and – crucially – to engage meaningfully with internet users. Luke Richards takes a look at the rise of video, alternatives to YouTube, social and what it all means for search marketers.

Rise in voice search for local businesses brings new opportunities and challenges

Voice search is growing exponentially, and when something becomes this prominent it behoves the major search engines to make changes to the ways they work to make these experiences more fluid and enjoyable for the end user. Jamie Pitman reviews consumers’ current use of voice search with regard to local search and how you can optimize for future growth

Google’s ‘More Results’ button: a search marketer’s POV

Google is continually making its SERPs richer, more feature-led, and increasingly intuitive on desktop, but how the SERPs are being displayed across mobile devices deserves special attention from marketers. It’s a space that presents its own challenges and opportunities, writes Luke Richards.