Google Analytics eCommerce tracking

We’ve rebuilt our Google Analytics eCommerce tracking plugin and added support for WooCommerce! Read on to learn why you should buy it today. If you want to optimize your shops sales, you need to make sure you connect your visitor data to your transaction data. This plugin does just that. We’ve made transaction tracking so reliable that we…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

Google: Slowly moving back to 10 blue links

Last night Google’s John Mueller announced on Google+ that “authorship” had been removed completely from the search results. Just like Google has recently removed most video snippets, this is another step towards Google’s search result pages going “back” to being 10 blue links. Brief history of author highlighting / authorship We were among the very early adopters of author…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

WordPress SEO Tutorial Videos

One of the returning questions we get from customers is for better tutorial videos for our SEO plugin. That’s no “simple” thing as we quite regularly update the plugin and add new features to it, changing the interface. So we’ve teamed up with Shawn Hesketh, from WP101, who has created (and will continue to update) a…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

The demise of Video SEO

Recently, Google removed, without any warning, the video snippets in the search results for a large group of sites. This followed pretty quickly on Google’s removal of author highlight pictures from the search results. First discussed by Seer on July 16th and slowly becoming more and more visible, we’ve been testing and trying to figure out what worked and what…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

Regular security audits: taking our responsibility

Today, we’re announcing that we have partnered with Sucuri, in the interest of pro-actively securing our plugins. As our plugins run on more and more sites, we have a responsibility towards our users and the web at large to make sure that we do our utmost to make sure our code doesn’t make them vulnerable.* We’ve…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

WordPress SEO Premium 1.2

As I announced yesterday on the Dradcast, we released a new version of WordPress SEO premium. This is another feature packed update with a lot of things people had been asking us for. Let me go through the list of new features: Import redirects from your .htaccess file If you have a lot of redirects…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

Improving our reviews

We recently did customer research into what our site review customers thought about our site reviews. While we were very happy with the results, it also showed us some things we could improve. It was very clear people wanted our reviews for the SEO improvements most of all, and today we’re launching the changes to our review…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

The Snippet Preview: what it means and how to use it.

Our WordPress SEO plugin has come with a snippet preview from day 1. This snippet preview mimics what the current page would look like in the search results, by our best “guesstimation”. In this post I’ll explain what the different sections are made up of, and what you can do to optimize those. I’ll also explain why the…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

Post Connector 1.5

I’m happy to announce that we’ve released the biggest update to Post Connector so far, version 1.5. New features in this update include related connections, backwards linking and automatically displaying linked posts after a post. Related Connections Here at Yoast we’ve been recommending you to add related posts to your post pages since it encourages…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

WordPress SEO Premium 1.1

After we released WordPress SEO Premium at January 23rd and WordPress SEO 1.5 at the beginning of March (a major rewrite of large parts of the plugin), we’re now ready to release WordPress SEO Premium 1.1. This new version introduces regular expression support for redirects as well as an even better integration with Google Webmaster Tools…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

With great names comes great responsibility.

In recent years, Joost and Yoast have become less and less synonymous, to the point where it’s now downright confusing as to what people are referring to when they’re correctly pronouncing Joost’s first name and the company name. You’d almost start to feel thankful for those ignorant people who still insist on calling Joost “juiced”.…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

A new Yoast theme: Strategy

Today we’re unveiling the next of our Yoast Genesis child themes: Strategy. Aimed a bit more at the business side of the WordPress community, you’ll find that the look of this theme changes dramatically with the different color schemes it comes with. From a warm, beachy Summer feeling orange to a cool Winter. So, even…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!

Major update of WordPress SEO (1.5)

Today we’re releasing what’s probably the single biggest update to our WordPress SEO plugin since its initial release. It improves speed, fixes a ton of bugs and edge cases and adds a new bulk title & description editor. On top of that we’ve changed several default settings and added some smaller new features. This post addresses…

This post first appeared on Yoast. Whoopity Doo!